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Anonymous said. Why not, as Edo has suggested, re-run some earlier posts that nobody commented on if there's no time to do a new post. I was reading the item on POTA magazine from early 2010 which had 2 comments and one of those was from somebody promoting his own blog!! As David mentioned Seinfeld - that show was shamefully treated on British TV being shown often after midnight if it was shown at all. As a result if you ask most British people who Jerry Seinfeld is you'd get a blank stare.


I only saw about 3 episodes until the DVD sets came out - great show though. Colin - The comic book reviews are generally not productive posts comments-wise. I'm not sure re-running old ones would stimulate any further conversation. Karen and I have discussed that the new 'Arc of Triumph?'

Format seems to generate a bit more discussion, so we're liking that for the time being. We do, however, intend to partner-review the Wonder Woman and JLA installments in the Paul Dini/Alex Ross collaborations in December. Time permitting on our ends, of course! But thanks for the vote of confidence on our old reviews! Edo Bosnar said. Much as I like Colin's suggestion (and not just because I inadvertently inspired it - really and truly), it would actually take a bit of work to go through the archives of this blog's earlier years and find a neglected post that could use some renewed love. So anyway, I have my own suggestion: why not just pick up from the last few comments made in yesterday's post that seemed to take the conversation in an interesting direction: a general discussion of the old cheap b&w paperbacks reprinting comics, mainly newspaper strips, but also stuff from Mad Magazine, regular super-hero comics, etc.

I think those were a ubiquitous part of growing up in the 1970s and early '80s (and, I'm assuming, the 1960s). As yesterday's commenters noted, there were tons of them and everyone seemed to have them.

Even the library in my otherwise rather conservative Catholic elementary school had stuff like the Peanuts and BC books. And my school friends and I used to pass around our various Mad books constantly. I have to say, though, that the little Doonesbury books eventually became my favorites. I inherited a bunch from my older brother as he left for college, and then bought my own, and I enjoyed reading those well into high school. So, does anyone have their own favorites, or some great memories about these books? Edo, I LOVED Captain Klutz. I so wanted a custom action figure of him.

('Hear me shouting., Entertainment Earth.?' ) Yes, I just bought another cheap vintage copy of 'Self-Made MAD', just for the Alfred cover with his feet up.

Too funny you mentioned that, Anonymous. Other amazing feats of nothingness.?

The Monkee's trippy 1968 movie 'Head'. An experiment in a circular story-telling, you can virtually start watching at any point in the movie, then start back at the beginning (up to that start point.) and it's the SAME MOVIE.


Rather a dark, defeatist tone for a pop film, it still shines with great Carole King numbers and great musicianship. Watch for Frank Zappa's appearance, along with Sonny Liston (punching out Davy in the boxing ring.), Annette Funicello, and Packer quarterback Ray Nitschke.

Anonymous said. I loved the Peanuts books for the characterisation and interplay more than the satire. The problem with most of those newspaper strips is that they just weren’t funny.

Garfield is abysmal. A big exception for me was the Wizard of Id, which was sometimes laugh out loud funny.

Any love for Asterix or Tintin over there in the New World? The Force Awakens – does that mean anything? It smells of Phantom Menace to me, which is surely less threatening than, you know, an actual menace. They don’t seem to care, do they? Return of the Jedi was called Revenge of the Jedi all the way up to nearly the end, until someone pointed out to George that revenge wasn’t very Jedi like, whereupon they destroyed everything and re-branded. Imagine Disney doing that? I think Family Guy accurately predicted the Force Awakens with ‘Something something something Dark Side’ David – Ref.

Dark Side of the Moon (you had to love that segue.) to this day a stunning achievement. Probably their musical high point, although I think The Wall throws down a psychological and narrative gauntlet that no rock band has yet picked up.

For all its angst I feel curiously elevated by Dark Side, whereas I always feel torn down by the Wall. I’m saddened that Endless River will be mostly instrumental as I’d love to have seen Polly Samson let loose on the lyrics. Hiya, How about something in the purely silly department, the unfortunate implications of two words or names being placed next to each other. The early Seventies were a rough time for the old time professionals, many of the artists had a rough time switching over to the Kirby proportions and action style.

Sometimes they found work, mostly not. For a brief time classic Superman artist Wayne Boring found employment at Marvel. A few issues here and there. Out of curiosity I went to the Marvel Comics Creator Index to look at his short page where he and his writers were listed in a rather unfortunate manner that went something like this; Thomas, Boring. Friedrich, Boring. Wolfman, Boring. Conway, Boring.

This gave me a few giggles. Edo Bosnar said. Yeah, Richard, I like both Tintin and, especially, Asterix as well, although in the case of the latter I only like the ones actually scripted by Goscinny.

And unlike a lot of other European comics, both of those do tend to have a lot of fans in the US, as most school and public libraries hold the albums, especially the Tintin books. Also, in the '70s at least, I remember there was some kids' magazine that was distributed in our school that regularly featured serialized Tintin adventures. Anonymous said. An interesting thing about Asterix: as you know it is full of in jokes and references in the original French which are then translated into different puns in other languages and local jokes specific to each region, but apparently it is absolutely loaded with satire which gets lost. I had no idea until I dated a French girl who had written a dissertation on it. For example, the Mansions of the Gods, the one where the romans try to build new tower blocks in the forest near the village, is actually a satire on a scandal around social housing in France at the time and the roman doing the building bears a striking resemblance to the then French housing minister. The Goscinny ones are all laced with subtext.

Anonymous said. An interesting thing about Asterix: as you know it is full of in jokes and references in the original French which are then translated into different puns in other languages and local jokes specific to each region, but apparently it is absolutely loaded with satire which gets lost. I had no idea until I dated a French girl who had written a dissertation on it. For example, the Mansions of the Gods, the one where the romans try to build new tower blocks in the forest near the village, is actually a satire on a scandal around social housing in France at the time and the roman doing the building bears a striking resemblance to the then French housing minister. The Goscinny ones are all laced with subtext. Anonymous said.

For those that watch Colbert, his pun on the new Star Wars movie: The Force Awakens.because it fell asleep during the Phantom Menace! And speaking of nothing, I am about two to three weeks behind in my TV viewing.

And more than that in my updates on current comic book doings, does anyone know if the new Marvel stuff has started on Netflix? In my reading books of cartoon strips, Calvin and Hobbs became a new treasure for me. I think it was mid 80s when they came out. Would that still count as Bronze Age? Two things I forgot on an old blog posting: One book I started reading that I'm not sure I could pick back up, Dark Horse's Ghost. I read up to issue 25 and I just got a great big 'eeeeh' out of it. I have 26-39 in another box and I'm not looking forward to getting to it.

Second thing, I can't believe I wrote 'to much' instead of 'too much'! I have no excuse. Not a one, nothing, zip, zilch, nada, null, void, the empty set. The Prowler (Pick up your feet got to move to the trick of the beat there is no elite just take your place in the driver's seat driver's seat, driver's seat, yeah). A few random comments: Richard- Have never read Asterix, but was quite fond of Tintin. If memory serves me, Boy's Life carried it for a while during my Cub Scout years. As for Mad paperbacks, they occupied my bookshelf before I even knew there was a Mad Magazine!

One of the best was 'Its A World, World, World, World Mad'. Featured an incredible Jack Davis cover parodying the movie poster for the film 'Its A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World'. Loads of caricatures from the era, including LBJ, the Beatles, and Charles DeGaulle. And having mentioned the film, IaMMMMWorld (forgive the abbreviation; typing so many Mad's is driving me, well.) I must give it due praise as another pop culture gem. There lies perhaps the germ for another topic someday; large ensemble films ( Rat Race also comes to mind). Oh, and Doug- don't be too hard on yourself regarding the Marvel Value Stamps.

I'm responsible for 100 cut-up issues as I filled the album completely. Kept it for years, until finally parting with it at a Con in Chicago. Anonymous said. I personally don't care what the name of the new Star Wars movie will be, as long as they make a good movie. I think George Lucas realized that he had lost the magic mojo in terms of creativity for his baby long ago. Sometimes the originator of a work is not the best person to carry it into the future, and I think George felt this had finally happened to him. At least we'll get to see the original cast in the new movie.

For me, the first 3 movies from 1977-83 were MY Star Wars. Those later films just didn't do it for me. Let's hope for the best! - Mike 'may the Buffalo chicken wings be with you' from Trinidad & Tobago. Anonymous said. I'll try the best that I can to reconstruct what I tried to post yesterday.

Colbert remarked on the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens. After the Phantom Menace put it to sleep. What I forgot on my post from a few days back, Dark Horse Comics Ghost. I've read the 1-27 and just felt 'eeeh' about it. The story line became repetitive and boring. I have 28-39 in another box and I have no desire to go look for it.

And the other thing about that post, I can't believe I typed 'to much' instead of 'too much'. I have no excuse, none, zip, zilch, nada, null, void, the empty set. The Prowler (a day late and a dollar short). Karen and Doug met on the Avengers Assemble! Message board back in September 2006.

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On June 16 2009 they went live with the Bronze Age Babies blog, sharing their love for 1970s and '80s pop culture with readers who happen by each day. You'll find conversations on comics, TV, music, movies, toys, food. Just about anything that evokes memories of our beloved pasts! Doug is a high school social science teacher and department chairman living south of Chicago; he also does contract work for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

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He is married with two adult sons, also both married. Karen originally hails from California and now works in scientific research/writing in the Phoenix area. She often contributes articles to Back Issue magazine. She is married. She hangs out with occasionally. Believe it or not, the Bronze Age Babies have never spoken to each other.